Contribute to GABWA Donation
Entering your contact information allows the organization to acknowledge your generous contribution. Specify the contribution amount and an optional comment.
Depending on the configuration, you may also be able to specify if this should be reported as anonymous
(although your contact information is still required.) Click Proceed to Payment to finalize and pay by credit
card or by printing an invoice and mailing a check.
In 2003, the GABWA Foundation initiated “Project Endowment,” a campaign to raise additional funds to sustain the GABWA Foundation’s scholarship efforts for the next generation.
In 2013, in honor of its 30th Anniversary, the GABWA Foundation announced its 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign Pledge Drive, through which it hopes to raise $300,000 in order to make the GABWA Endowment Fund self-sustaining. The 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign officially began on July 20, 2013, at the GABWA Glitter Gala and Auction and continues each year. Members of GABWA and the Georgia legal community at large are encouraged to join the GABWA Foundation in its mission to ensure that resources are available to black women law students attending law school in the state of Georgia for years to come by making a pledge to the GABWA Foundation Endowment Fund, which may be fulfilled over a 3-6 year period.
Click below to make your pledge or to make a donation to the GABWA Foundation via one of its programs or charitable initatives. You may also contact the GABWA Foundation’s President ( or Vice President ( for additional details about the GABWA Foundation or should you have any questions.
In addition to your name, please enter your address, phone number and email address. This
will allow us to contact you if necessary.
Matching Gifts
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