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HomeListserve Policies and Etiquette

Listserve Policies and Etiquette

If you experience any problems with the listserve or with other members’ failure to adhere to the policies, please contact the Moderator at

List Moderator

The Moderator of the GABWA listserve is the Vice-President of Technology. If you experience any problems with the listserve or with other members’ failure to adhere to the policies, please contact the Moderator at or 

Purpose of the GABWA Listserve

Thank you for being a part of the GABWA listserve. The primary purpose of the listserve is to provide information regarding GABWA’s membership, services, events and topics of interest as well as other legal and professional issues that may are relevant to our members. As such, this listserve should be used solely to share ideas and information related to the GABWA mission, which is to “nurture, support and galvanize the power of Black women attorneys, advocate for women and children, and to empower our communities.” It is not a forum for general discussion.  Once you have joined as a member, you will be added to the GABWA listserve distribution list which is a private portal for members and you will remain part of the list as long as your dues are current.

Purpose of the GABWA Listserve Policies & Etiquette (“Netiquette”)

The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure the proper use of GABWA’s listserve and make users aware of what GABWA deems as an acceptable and unacceptable use of its listserve. GABWA reserves the right to amend these guidelines at its discretion. In case of amendments, users will be informed appropriately.

Policies for the GABWA Listserve
To ensure the best possible experience for all GABWA listserve members, we have established basic guidelines for participation. All users of the GABWA listserve must agree to the policies outlined below. Your agreement to the following is assumed when you send a message through the listserve. In order to preserve a climate that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue, GABWA reserves the right to suspend or terminate listserve access for members who violate these policies.

Participants shall not post any communications that are normally considered libelous, defamatory, false, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, violent, abusive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, or disruptive, or that may constitute grounds for civil liability;

Participants should not upload, post, e-mail, or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. If you believe your posted message contains a virus, please contact the Moderator immediately;

Participants shall not post advertisements for the businesses of non-GABWA members. Commercial use of the listserve shall be limited to GABWA members. GABWA members may use the listserve to advertise her/his business and services, but may not post advertisements for businesses owned by non- GABWA members;

GABWA has a formal endorsement process by which it chooses candidates that the organization will endorse. Prior to the announcement of GABWA’s endorsed candidates, participants shall limit political announcements to the announcement of campaign fundraisers and should not post campaign advertisements merely to solicit votes. After GABWA has announced its endorsed candidates for that particular campaign season, participants should not post campaign advertisements other than those in support of GABWA’s endorsed candidates. Please contact the Political Action Chair should you have questions regarding the implementation of this policy;

Participants understand that should they fail to observe these Policies, GABWA reserves the right to take appropriate action.

Etiquette (“Netiquette”) when Posting Messages

Please identify yourself at some point in the message. At a minimum, please provide your first and last name, as well as your title and organization;

Please limit messages to topics or events related to GABWA or that may be of concern or benefit to the professional community at large;

Please use “Reply” to respond directly to the individual who sent the original message. Responding “Reply All” sends a reply to the entire listserve, and should only be used when the message being sent contains information from which everyone can benefit. If you believe it is necessary to use “Reply All” to respond to a message posted to the listserve, please keep your response brief and refrain from responding simply to co-sign on another message (e.g., “me too” messages);

Please avoid posting inflammatory messages aimed to attack or denigrate others. The listserve is provided to share information, not to create conflict and dissension within the organization. If you have a conflict with an individual, please send your comments to the individual directly via a private e-mail message and not to the entire listserve;

Please do not be critical of other members’ postings. Remember that we are here to learn, share, and grow through this communications forum.

Listserve Complaints

If you disagree with the relevance/usefulness of posted information, please do not send a complaint to the entire listserve. Instead, please send an e-mail message to the Moderator. Likewise, if you believe that there is a technical problem with the listserve, please do not post your concern to the listserve. Finally, you may unsubscribe at any time by sending your request to the Moderator.


Posts to the GABWA listserve do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of GABWA. Likewise, GABWA assumes no responsibility for the opinions and information posted by others. In no event shall GABWA be held liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or damages whatsoever resulting from incidents arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted to the listserve. GABWA does not actively monitor the site for inappropriate postings and does not on its own undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event that an inappropriate posting is brought to the attention of GABWA, GABWA will take all appropriate action. GABWA reserves the right to terminate access to any user who does not abide by these policies.

P.O. Box 4381 
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
(678) 825-5675
United States


The Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys nurtures, supports and galvanizes the power of Black women attorneys. Our members serve at all levels of the judiciary, and in city, county, state, and federal government.

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Like GABWA, the GABWA Foundation's mission is to provide services to the community that further the interests of women and children throughout Georgia and that increase the representation of black women in the legal profession.

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