Legal Education Members
This screen shows the members of the committee. Click on the member's name or photo to view their bio information (if enabled).
With the combined efforts of the committee chairs, GABWA’s president, the committee, and individual and corporate sponsors, GABWA’s Legal Education Committee organizes and implements seminars as a part of GABWA’s 5th Thursday Lunch Series. Additionally, at the behest of GABWA’s President, the Legal Education Committee has also been involved with organizing seminars for the annual State Bar meeting. The seminar topics vary. Past topics range from immigration law, public service and professional development, U.S. Supreme Court Updates to healthcare law, voting rights, and technology. Each seminar allows individuals and legal experts to vocalize, to identify, and to discuss legal trends, topics, and perspectives that may otherwise be ignored. By harnessing technology to further GABWA’s mission, GABWA’s Legal Education Committee utilizes webinars and videoconferencing to educate members and non-members throughout the state. For the 5th Thursday Lunch series, attendees may obtain 1.5 CLE credit hours as a result of attending the 90 minute seminars. Since the Fifth Thursday Lunch’s inception, GABWA’s 5th Thursday Lunch diligently works to identify topics that are timely, relevant, and in accord with GABWA’s mission.
Our committee goal is to make programming accessible throughout Georgia and to encourage GABWA members and non-members to learn and to fellowship in a relaxed and welcoming environment. We want to make sure that we balance the knowledge possessed by our young attorneys with the experience and wisdom of our more senior attorneys.