Student Programs Members
This screen shows the members of the committee. Click on the member's name or photo to view their bio information (if enabled).
The Student Programs committee develops programming aimed at enriching, supporting, and advocating for all students, particularly law students. The committee has four signature events every year. The first is the “Demystifying Law School” program which serves to introduce undergraduate students to the entire process of becoming a lawyer from applying to law school through the first few years in the practice. Student Programs also coordinates the award winning Professional Development Academy whose purpose is to provide professional development to GABWA’s law students and new lawyers. The committee has also developed the Bar Buddies Program to serve as an aid and a source of encouragement for those taking the Georgia Bar Exam in February and July. Once per year, the Student Programs committee hosts a PDA alumni mixer to bring all participants together for networking and support. Finally, the annual Blue Jeans Brunch is a pot luck whose purpose is to introduce the membership — particularly law students — to GABWA leadership, especially judges. During the Blue Jeans Brunch, members also donate new and gently-used business attire to gift to students for use during job interviews and internships. Throughout the year, the committee serves as a reference and point of contact for all GABWA’s student members.
Co-Chair, Student Programs
Deah B Warren
Member, Student Programs Committee
Addison Robinson
Member, Student Programs Committee