Political Action (PAC) Members
This screen shows the members of the committee. Click on the member's name or photo to view their bio information (if enabled).
The Political Action Committee closely follows the proposals, developments, and enactment of all state and local legislative, as well as any and all federal legislation of special interest to GABWA. Where appropriate, the Political Action Committee also analyzes the substance of such legislation and recommends to the body its opinion concerning the same. Upon approval of the membership, the Political Action Committee takes appropriate action to: (1) render any assistance sought by elected officials in lobbying for legislative change; (2) engage in the endorsement of candidates for public office; (3) draft or assist in drafting legislation necessary for the good of the Organization and the public; and/or (4) to encourage passage of such legislation. The majority of PAC members are elected annually to serve staggered two-year terms by GABWA’s members.
Member, Political Action Committee
Member, Political Action Committee
Member, Political Action Committee