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Communications & Newsletter Members

This screen shows the members of the committee. Click on the member's name or photo to view their bio information (if enabled).
The Community Service Committee shall become directly involved with the community by formulating and implementing projects that respond to the immediate and long-term needs of the people in the community. Furthermore, the Community Service Committee shall spearhead GABWA’s efforts to: (1) sponsor at least one annual project with a designated beneficiary; (2) perform other projects throughout the year for the benefit of the community; and (3) facilitate pro bono opportunities.
Social Media Manager
Duluth, GA

P.O. Box 4381 
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
(678) 825-5675
United States


The Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys nurtures, supports and galvanizes the power of Black women attorneys. Our members serve at all levels of the judiciary, and in city, county, state, and federal government.

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About the GABWA Foundation

Like GABWA, the GABWA Foundation's mission is to provide services to the community that further the interests of women and children throughout Georgia and that increase the representation of black women in the legal profession.

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